How to edit Folder Templates

You can update your folder templates any time in SuiteFiles to ensure folders created using them are up to date.

  1. Navigate to where your folder templates are stored. Typically, there will be a folder within your Home or Business level titled Folder Templates.

    NB - If you do NOT have this structure, you can create it by simply creating a new folder called Company Folder Template, then applying your current outdated folder template to it.
  2. Click on the folder of the template you wish to edit.
  3. Make the changes you require to the folder structure. Usually it’s just a case of renaming an older financial year folder to the most recent. 
  4. Click on the name of the folder in the breadcrumbs and select Save as Template from the dropdown.
  5. Give the template a unique name (doesn’t matter what it is, we’ll be changing this shortly, it just cannot be called the exact same name as your existing folder template) and select Create and close.

Next you will go in and tidy up your templates – deleting the older version and renaming the newer version to match the original name.

  1. Select the More option in your top navigation and select Manage templates from the drop down. Please note there is a Manage templates permission that will need to be given to you by a SuiteFiles admin if you don’t already have it.
  2. Navigate to Folders on the left hand navigation. Clicking the three dots on the relevant template will allow you to delete your old template and rename your new one.