Introducing the New Client Matching Tool

The Client Matching Tool is designed to give you more control and flexibility over your SuiteFiles folders and integrations. With this tool, you can now easily connect your SuiteFiles folders to clients manually, enhancing your workflow.

In this article


The Client Matching Tool empowers you to precisely manage folder-client associations within SuiteFiles through your integrations. In the past, SuiteFiles would automatically match folders with clients based on their names within your integrations. Although this functionality remains intact, the introduction of the Client Matching Tool enables you to have SuiteFiles generate a unique Client ID for seamless folder-client correspondence.

Please note: The Client Matching tool can only match your Clients to folders at the Client level. For more information on our recommended folder structure click here.

XPM users: You will still need to observe folder character replacements to ensure your integration runs smoothly. Learn more here.

Accessing the Client Matching Tool

  1. To access the Client Matching Tool navigate to Admin Settings
  2. Click on the Integrations tab.

    Please note that there may be a significant initial load time each session. Please be patient as the software loads the necessary information, which can take up to two minutes.

  3. Within the SuiteFiles client matching screen, you'll find two tabs: 
    1. All matched clients. These are client folders which have been seamlessly integrated, with their corresponding SuiteFiles folders matched using their unique ID.
    2.  Unmatched Clients. These are clients from your integrations that have been matched to a SuiteFiles folder using the default Name matching convention.
  4. Search for specific clients or filter by integration type to streamline your search.

All matched clients

Upon clicking the Matched Clients tab, you'll see the following screen:

  1. Client Name: The name of the client as it appears in your integration.
  2. Integration: The source integration where the client's information and folder originates.
  3. Match type: This refers to the method of matching, usually based on ID. (Don't worry, we'll explain what this means below.)
  4. SuiteFiles folder match: The SuiteFiles folder that has been successfully matched.

Unmatched clients

Upon clicking the Unmatched Clients tab, you'll see the following screen:

  1. Client Name: The client's name as it appears in your integration.
  2. Integration: The source integration where the client's information and folder originates.
  3. Match Type: Here, matching is based on the folder's name. If no folder in SuiteFiles corresponds to the client's name in the integration, no match is made.
  4. SuiteFiles Folder Match: Click here to search for the SuiteFiles client folder you want to match with the integrated client. For instance, let's say there's a "Bast Daniel Anthony" folder from the Cas360 integration that has no matching folder in SuiteFiles. You can manually search for the corresponding folder in SuiteFiles and pair them up.
  5. Create New Folder: This option lets you create a new folder in SuiteFiles, which will be linked to the client name in your integration.

We're thrilled to bring you this new feature, enhancing your ability to manage your client folders seamlessly. If you encounter any issues or need assistance, our support team is here to help!